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A system of multivariate semiparametric nonlinear time series models is studied with possible dependence structures and nonstationarities in the parametric and nonparametric components. The parametric regressors may be endogenous while the nonparametric regressors are assumed to be strictly...
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This paper studies the effect of human capital on the regional entry of firms. An econometric model for a system of disjoint regions and frequency data is constructed, making the comparison between the regions a random discrete choice problem. Empirical evidence from Swedish labour market...
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Despite its economic success, India has made little progress towards meeting its Millennium Development Goal targets of reducing undernourishment, particularly among children. Using nationally representative data, our analysis finds evidence of an improvement in the anthropometric measures of...
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A characterization of endogeneity in the binomial regression model is given. The relationship to a model subject to selection is indicated. Maximum likelihood and nonlinear instrumental variable estimators are obtained and evaluated in a Monte Carlo study. A new LM test and a Hausman test...
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In this paper we examine the demand for education among rural Black households in South Africa using nationally representative data from the 1990s. In particular our study focuses on factors affecting schooling decisions at the household level. Our estimation results reveal strong evidence of a...
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This note gives dynamic effects of discrete and continuous explanatory variables for count data or integer-valued moving average models. An illustration based on a model for the number of transactions in a stock is included.
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A model to account for the long memory property in a count data framework <p> is proposed and applied to high frequency stock transactions data. <p> The unconditional and conditional first and second order moments are <p> given. The CLS and FGLS estimators are discussed. In its empirical <p> application to...</p></p></p></p>
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This paper empirically tests whether an open limit order book contains information about future short-run stock price movements. To account for the discrete nature of price changes, the integer-valued autoregressive model of order one is utilized. A model transformation has an advantage over...
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This thesis comprises four papers concerning modelling of financial count data. Paper [1], [2] <p> and [3] advance the integer-valued moving average model (INMA), a special case of integer-valued <p> autoregressive moving average (INARMA) model class, and apply the models to the number of <p> stock...</p></p></p>
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The paper introduces a new approach to incorporating time dependent overdispersion for Poisson related regression models. To handle the added flexibility in conditional heteroskedasticity in time series count data some wellknown estimators are adapted and a GMM type estimator is suggested. The...
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