Showing 1 - 10 of 25
Am 13. Juli 2001 hat das Internationale Olympische Komitee (IOC) auf seiner Sitzung in Moskau über die Ausrichtung der Olympischen Sommerspiele 2008 entschieden: Peking ist der Austragungsort der olympischen Sommerspiele. Somit sind die Chancen einer erfolgreichen europäischen Bewerbung für...
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The relative standard deviation of win percentages, the most widely used measure of within-season competitive balance, has an upper bound which is very sensitive to variation in the numbers of teams and games played. Taking into account this upper bound provides additional insight into...
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This paper develops a new simulation-based measure of playoff uncertainty and investigates its contribution to modelling match attendance compared to other variants of playoff uncertainty in the existing literature. A model of match attendance that incorporates match uncertainty, playoff...
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This paper re-examines the calculation of the relative standard deviation (RSD) measure of competitive balance in leagues in which draws are possible outcomes. Some key conclusions emerging from the exchange between Cain and Haddock (2006) and Fort (2007) are reversed. There is no difference,...
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Bonus point systems are a popular tournament design feature in some sports. We consider a bonus point system for the Australian Football League (AFL). In this paper, we utilise league points as a measure of team strength in a prediction model and choose the allocation of points to maximise...
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Bonus points provide a simple way to improve the accuracy of league standings. We investigate the inclusion of bonuses in the National Football League (NFL) using a prediction model built on league points. Both touchdown-based and narrow-loss bonuses are shown to be significant. Our preferred...
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The experimental literature and studies using survey data have established that people care a great deal about their relative economic position and not solely, as standard economic theory assumes, about their absolute economic position. Individuals are concerned about social comparisons....
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People care a great deal about their relative economic position and not solely about their absolute economic position. However, behavioral evidence is rare. This paper provides evidence on how the relative income position affects professional sports performances. Our analysis suggests that if a...
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In this paper we present a two period model, where the agent's preferences are described by prospect theory as proposed by Kahneman and Tversky. We solve for the agent's portfolio decision. Our findings are that the changes in portfolio weights depend crucially on the reference point and the...
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Vom 9.Juni bis zum 9.Juli 2006 wird vom Deutschen Fußball-Bund (DFB) in Deutschland die FIFA WM 2006 ausgerichtet. In der öffentlichen Diskussion wird in diesem Zusammenhang sehr häufig neben der sportlichen Dimension dieses Megaevents auch seine ökonomische Dimension betont. Nach...
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