Showing 1 - 10 of 31
When residents of two countries have access to complete contingent claims markets, the welfare effects of changes in tariffs are opposite to those found in static trade theory. This paper demonstrates that a much simpler asset market structure can be sufficient to generate such a result. In the...
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Two country applications of equilibrium business cycle methodology have succeeded in matching some key features of international fluctuations. However, discrepancies between theory and data remain. This paper identifies an anomaly related to a basic property of typical models: The prediction of...
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This paper compares various specifications of the gravity model of trade as nested versions of a general specification that uses bilateral country-pair fixed effects to control for heterogeneity. For each specification, we show that the a theoretical restrictions to obtain them from the general...
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Despite economists' nearly universal support for free trade policies, the general public has serious reservations about free trade. To understand this opposition, one must understand the preferences of individuals as they relate to the policy choices of policymakers. Ideally, one would like to...
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The trade liberalization associated with NAFTA has affected the pattern of state exports by altering the origin as well as the destination of merchandise exports. We find that NAFTA has increased US merchandise exports to Mexico and Canada by just over 15 percent, and has increased total US...
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Arkansas Minority Business Development Roundtable, Little Rock, Ark., Aug. 17, 2007
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Session on Regional Economic Trends, Southern Governors' Association Meeting, Biloxi, Miss., Aug. 25, 2007
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The American European Community Association, Brussels, Belgium, April 16, 2007
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Presentation to the Globalization and Outsourcing Conference, Reuters America Inc., New York, June 15, 2004
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Fiscal Affairs & Government Operations Committee, The Council of State Governments' Southern Legislative Conference, Louisville, Ky., July 31, 2006
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