Showing 1 - 10 of 24
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Seit der Finanzkrise hat Kroatien negative Wachstumsraten. Der Brain Drain hochqualifizierter Arbeitskräfte nimmt stetig zu. Die Wirtschaft hat schon seit längerer Zeit starke Einbußen ihrer Wettbewerbsfähigkeit erfahren. Kroatien rangiert diesbezüglich am Ende der Skala der EU-Mitglieder....
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Das ifo Institut begleitet seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 1949 das aktuelle Wirtschaftsgeschehen durch seine regelmäßigen Konjunkturumfragen und Konjunkturprognosen. Im Jahr 2007 hat das ifo Institut zur methodischen Basis seiner Konjunkturforschung einen ersten Sammelband mit ausgewählten...
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Das ifo Institut begleitet seit seiner Gründung im Jahr 1949 das aktuelle Wirtschaftsgeschehen durch seine regelmäßigen Konjunkturumfragen und Konjunkturprognosen. Im Jahr 2007 hat das ifo Institut zur methodischen Basis seiner Konjunkturforschung einen ersten Sammelband mit ausgewählten...
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Over the last decade a new consensus model has emerged in monetary macroeconomics, labelled New Keynesian macroeconomics (Clarida et al., 1999). It consists of three simple building blocs: a forward-looking IS-equation that is derived from the optimization problem of a representative household,...
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We develop an institutional framework for central banks that try to pursue a stability-oriented monetary policy with the strategy of exchange rate targeting. Recent experience shows that a crucial element of this approach is to avoid destabilising capital inflows. Policy makers can exert...
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Although there seems to be a broad consensus among economists that purely floating or completely fixed exchange rates (the so-called corner solutions) are the only viable alternatives of exchange rate management, many countries do not behave according to this paradigm and adopt a strategy within...
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We develop an institutional framework for central banks that try to pursue a stability-oriented monetary policy in open-economies by directly targeting the exchange rate. Our main intention is to design a framework which avoids excessive capital inflows that can be regarded as a main cause of...
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This paper explores whether the cost channel solves the price puzzle. We set-up a New Keynesian DSGE model and estimate it for the euro area by adopting a minimum distance approach. Our findings suggest that - under certain parameter restrictions which are not rejected by the data - the cost...
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This paper presents a New Keynesian model that dwells on the role of banks in the cost channel of monetary policy. Banks extend loans to firms in an environment of monopolistic competition by setting the loan rate according to a Calvo-type staggered price setting approach, which means that the...
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