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Are some management practices akin to a technology that can explain firm and national productivity, or do they simply …-weighted average management score. We present a formal model of "Management as a Technology", and structurally estimate it using panel …
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and technology differences across both goods and production stages. We estimate technology and trade costs via the … value chains (increased export platform production). Surprisingly, however, the elasticity of world trade to trade costs is …
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This paper examines cross-country differences in labour policies and practices and employee performance and attitudes toward work from a sample of nearly 30,000 employees in a large multinational manufacturing firm. The analysis shows: 1) large establishment and country differences in work...
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respectively to the Fraser Institute and World Economic Forum reports, the GLS and the labor market components of the economic … countries around the world, covering issues such as freedom of association, the regulation of work contracts, employee benefits …) and competitiveness (World Economic Forum) …
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We investigate what happens to hours worked after a positive shock to technology, using the aggregate technology series …
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In this paper, we develop a model of technology adoption and economic growth in which households optimally obtain … between their growth rates will increase with the growth rate of available technology. By characterizing the optimal Ramsey … available technology. Our theory suggests that European education policies that favored specialized, vocational education might …
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In this paper, we re-examine the recent evidence that technology shocks do not produce business cycle patterns in the … data. We first extend Gal¡'s (1999) work, which uses long-run restrictions to identify technology shocks, by examining … whether the identified shocks can be plausibly interpreted as technology shocks. We do this in three ways. First, we derive …
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Does the impact of environmental regulation differ by plant vintage and technology? We answer this question using … annual Census Bureau information on 116 pulp and paper mills' vintage, technology, productivity, and pollution abatement … include our technology, vintage, and renovation variables. Sample calculations of the impact of pollution abatement on …
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We use a rich new body of data on the experiences of unemployed jobseekers to determine the sources of wage dispersion and to create a search model consistent with the acceptance decisions the jobseekers made. Heterogeneity in non-wage job values or amenities among jobseekers and jobs is a...
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People with disabilities have low employment and wage levels, and some studies suggest employer discrimination is a contributing factor. Following the method of Bertrand and Mullainathan (2003), new evidence is presented from a field experiment that sent applications in response to 6,016...
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