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In this paper, we develop a model of technology adoption and economic growth in which households optimally obtain … between their growth rates will increase with the growth rate of available technology. By characterizing the optimal Ramsey … available technology. Our theory suggests that European education policies that favored specialized, vocational education might …
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Detailed country-by-country chronologies are an informative companion piece to our paper "Exchange Arrangements Entering the 21st Century: Which Anchor Will Hold?," which provides a comprehensive history of anchor or reference currencies, exchange rate arrangements, and a new measure of foreign...
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examine the effect of capital flows on the transmission of stagnation. In a world with a low natural rate of interest, greater …
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In our European Economic Review (2002) paper, we used pre-1998 data on countries participating in and leaving currency unions to estimate the effect of currency unions on trade using (then-) conventional gravity models. In this paper, we use a variety of empirical gravity models to estimate the...
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In this paper we assess the effects of the MFA/ATC using both world trade and US data after its removal. Previous …
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A group of agents wants to reform the status quo if and only if this is Pareto improving. Agents have private information and may have common or private objectives, which creates a tension between information aggregation and minority protection. We analyze a simple voting system - majority rule...
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Greater financial integration between core and peripheral EMU members not only had an effect on both sets of countries but also spilled over beyond the euro area. Lower interest rates allowed peripheral countries to run bigger deficits, which inflated their economies by allowing credit booms....
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There are some striking similarities between the pre 1914 gold standard and EMU today. Both arrangements are based on fixed exchange rates, monetary and fiscal orthodoxy. Each regime gave easy access by financially underdeveloped peripheral countries to capital from the core countries. But the...
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The UNFCCC process of negotiating multilateral carbon emissions reductions thus far has focused on approximately equiproportional cuts in annual carbon emissions by country along the lines of the Kyoto Protocol agreement. But now, with the objective of involving large developing countries such...
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This paper presents both analytics and numerical simulation results relevant to proposals for carbon motivated regional trade agreements summarized in Dong & Whalley(2008). Unlike traditional regional trade agreements, by lowing tariffs on participant's low carbon emission goods and setting...
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