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Much of the research on industry dynamics focuses on the interdependence between the sectorial rates of entry and exit …
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We propose a methodology for estimating the competition effects from entry when firms sell differentiated products. We … first derive precise conditions under which Bres- nahan and Reiss'entry threshold ratios (ETRs) can be used to test for the … presence and to measure the magnitude of competition effects. We then show how to augment the traditional entry model with a …
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Background: General Practitioners have limited means to compete. As quality is hard to observe by patients, GPs have incentives to signal quality by using instruments patients perceive as quality.<br/>Objectives: We investigate whether GPs exhibit different prescribing behavior (volume and value of...
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How do banks react to increased interbank competition?Recent banking theory offers conflicting predictions about the impact of competition on bank orientation í L H WKH choice of relationship based versus transactional banking í DQG EDQN LQGXVWU\ specialization.We empirically investigate the...
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A recent string of theoretical papers highlights the importance of geographical distance in explaining pricing and availability of loans to small firms.Lenders located in the vicinity of small firms have significantly lower monitoring and transaction costs, and hence considerable market power if...
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Recent theoretical models argue that a bank's organizational structure reflects its lending technology.A hierarchically organized bank will employ mainly hard information, whereas a decentralized bank will rely more on soft information.We investigate theoretically and empirically how bank...
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This paper generalizes Porter’s notion of the value chain for the analysis of service industries. The generalization entails that the flow and the physical transformation and assembly of goods that are characteristic of manufacturing are generalized into flows and transformation of data and...
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Abstract: This paper suggests that contingent on the productivity level of the trade partner; international trade may … diffusion induced by trade and cross sectoral heterogeneity in productivity distributions, and technology adoption rates leads …) GDP (1) increases economy wide markup variation, (2) raises mean sectoral productivity, and (3) decreases productivity …
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We employ a unique data set containing bank-specific information to explore how foreign bank entry determines credit … allocation in emerging markets. We investigate the impact of the mode of foreign entry (greenfield or takeover) on banks …. The impact of foreign entry on credit allocation may stem from the superior performance of foreign entrants (“performance …
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, market entry and market structure. In the second part, I identify the submarket dimension and estimate the relationship …
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