Showing 1 - 9 of 9
Because of its enormous land and yield potentials, the breadbasket of the East, i.e. Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan are increasingly important for world grain markets. However, counterproductive market and trade policies, continual farm-level productivity gaps and deficits in marketing...
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Der Kornkammer des Ostens, namentlich Russland, der Ukraine und Kasachstan, wird aufgrund riesiger Flächen- und Ertragspotenziale eine zunehmende Bedeutung für die Weltgetreidemärkte zugesprochen. Allerdings blockieren widersinnige Markt- und Handelspolitiken, anhaltende betriebliche...
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Enterprise flexibility, against the background of ever-faster changing environs, is deemed to be as a critical prerequisite for staying successful in business. Flexibility may be termed in an economic sense as the capability to adjust production schemes to a new situation without significant...
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Flexibilität von Unternehmen wird vor dem Hintergrund einer sich immer schneller wandelnden Umwelt als eine wichtige Voraussetzung für ein erfolgreiches Bestehen am Markt betrachtet. Flexibilität kann im ökonomischen Sinne als Fähigkeit Produktionspläne ohne erhebliche Zusatzkosten an eine...
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For quite some time long-only index funds have been suspected of being responsible for price increases in agricultural futures markets. This suspicion has prompted demands to drastically limit long-only index funds' scope of activity. Such demands and their underlying diagnoses, however,...
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Long-only-Indexfonds stehen seit geraumer Zeit unter Verdacht, für die Preisanstiege an landwirtschaftlichen Warenterminmärkten verantwortlich zu sein. Hieraus wird die Forderung abgleitet, den Aktivitätsradius dieser Indexfonds drastisch einzuschränken. Allerdings stehen solche Forderungen...
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Even after more then ten years after the beginning of the transition process, Russian agriculture shows only limited sign of a recovery. Production has not reached the level of the pre-transition period and investment is still on a very low level. In this paper we use the "Theory of Induced...
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The availability of efficiency estimation software freely distributed via the internet and relatively easy to use recently inflated the number of corresponding applications. The resulting efficiency estimates are often used without a critical assessment with respect to the literature on...
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This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of possible causes of considerable production variability that characterised Russian agriculture during the last decade. The study investigates production risk and technical inefficiency as two sources that influence production variability....
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