Showing 1 - 6 of 6
Einflussfaktoren: Unternehmens-, Performance- und Corporate Governance-Merkmale. Bereits ein einfaches, die Unternehmensgröße … Vergütungspakete gewähren und die Vergütungshöhe in diesen Unternehmen stärker an die Unternehmensgröße und die operative Performance …
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This paper reports on the results of an experiment testing whether the agents selfselect between a competitive payment scheme and a revenue-sharing scheme depending on their inequity aversion. Average efficiency should be increased when these payment schemes are endogenously chosen by agents. We...
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investigates the influencing factors of both director compensation levels and structure, i.e. the probability of performance …, including detailed corporate performance, ownership and board characteristics. While controlling for unobserved heterogeneity …
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This paper investigates the wealth effects of private equity (PE) investor purchases of shares in German quoted companies. It is the first study to analyze these effects for the German market which is particularly interesting due to its distinct characteristics with regard to the ownership...
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This study examines how family firm characteristics affect capital structure decisions. In our analysis we disentangle the influence of three distinct components of a family firm: ownership, supervisory and management board activities by the founding family. Thereby, we use a unique panel...
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Around the world (with the U.S. and U.K. as exceptions) concentrated ownership structures and controlling shareholders are predominant even among listed firms. We provide novel empirical evidence how such controlling shareholders, in particular founding families, affect payout policy decisions....
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