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Using a Cournot oligopoly model with an endogenous number of firms and evasion of indirect taxes, this paper shows that …
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Many societies report an increasingly divergent development of managers’ salaries compared to that of their workforce …. Moreover, there is often a lack in diversity amongst managerial boards. We investigate the role of managers’ gender and … incentive scheme on wages chosen for workers by conducting two experimental studies. The data reveal male managers respond in …
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This paper shows that there is a natural trade-off when designing market-based executive compensation. The benefit of market-based pay is that the stock price aggregates speculators' dispersed information and therefore takes a picture of managerial performance before the long-term value of a...
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We study bribing in a sequential team contest with multiple pairwise battles. We allow for asymmetries in winning prizes and marginal costs of effort; and we characterize the conditions under which (i) a player in a team is offered a bribe by the owner of the other team and (ii) she accepts the...
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international Cournot oligopoly, we analyse incentives for using tax instruments strategically to shift rents vertically, between …
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We study a strategic model of dynamic trading where agents are asymmetrically informed over common value sources of uncertainty. There is a continuum of buyers and a finite number n of sellers. All buyers are uninformed, while at least one seller is privately informed about the true state of the...
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Using a Cournot oligopoly model with an endogenous number of firms and evasion of indirect taxes, this paper shows that …
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Contests between groups are plagued by intra-group externalities (freeriding). Yet, costless incentive schemes that entirely avoid free-riding within a group might not be desirable, neither individually nor socially. In contests among two groups, a relatively weak (i.e., small or unproductive)...
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This paper provides existence and characterization of the optimal contest success function under the condition that the objective of the contest designer is total effort maximization among n heterogeneous players. Heterogeneity of players makes active participation of a player in equilibrium...
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The compromise enhancing effect of lobbying on public policy has been established in two typical settings. In the first, lobbies are assumed to act as 'principals' and the setters of the policy (the candidates in a Downsian electoral competition or the elected policy maker in a citizen-...
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