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We propose a nonparametric method to study which characteristics provide incremental information for the cross section … incremental information for expected returns, and nonlinearities are important. We study the properties of our method in an …
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We study the effects of low short-term interest rates on the optimal portfolio allocation in Markowitz portfolios and Risk parity portfolios. We propose a measure of Portfolio Instability, gauging the amount of optimal portfolio shifts needed to respond to exogenous shocks to the expected risk...
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We propose a nonparametric method to test which characteristics provide independent information for the cross section … is insensitive to outliers. Many of the previously identified return predictors do not provide incremental information …
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. Uncertainty, in contrast, increases the response. We rationalize our findings in a model of imperfect information. In the model …
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. The leading example is a financial market, where the rich acquire more financial information than the poor. Contrary to …
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A growing body of literature analyses the impact of news on companies' equity prices. We add to this literature by showing that the transmission channel of news to prices differs across sectors. First, we disentangle sectoral equity prices into components of expected future earnings and equity...
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reject the no-predictability null with high probability, despite the fact that investors optimally use the information …
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Macroeconomic news announcements are elaborate and multi-dimensional. We consider a framework in which jumps in asset prices around macroeconomic news and monetary policy announcements reflect both the response to observed surprises in headline numbers and latent factors, reflecting other...
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We examine the asymmetric impact of shocks to macroeconomic expectations and their underlying dispersion on equity risk premia across different market regimes. First, we rely on a two-state logit mixture vector autoregressive model and use Consensus Economics survey data on GDP growth,...
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The term structure of equity returns is downward-sloping: stocks with high cash flow duration earn 1.10% per month lower returns than short-duration stocks in the cross section. I create a measure of cash flow duration at the firm level using balance sheet data to show this novel fact. Factor...
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