Showing 1 - 10 of 25
Baker (2002) has demonstrated theoretically that the quality of performance measures used in compensation contracts … noise and distortion of a performance measure can be measured. Courty and Marschke (2007) have recently developed an elegant … empirical test to detect distortion, based on the degradation of a performance measure subsequent to increasing its weight in …
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performance. Measured performance equals actual performance plus noise. We compare a stable environment where the noise is small … expectancy theory; noisier performance measures do not lower work motivation. …
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When verifiable performance measures are imperfect, organizations often resort to subjective performance pay. This may … towards specific tasks. We show that subjective performance pay based on evaluation by a biased supervisor has the same … distorting effect on the agent's effort allocation as incentive pay based on an incongruent performance measure. If the principal …
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Theoretical analyses of (optimal) performance measures are typically performed within the realm of the linear agency … noise in the performance measure. In contrast, expectancy theory as developed by psychologists predicts lower effort levels … for noisier performance measures. We conduct a real effort laboratory experiment and find that effort levels are invariant …
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This paper analyzes empirically the relationship between pay and performance. Economic and psychological theories … predict that the design and implementation of a performance measurement and compensation system affect the motivation of …
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affects the performance of firms that increase the power of the incentive schemes. In a laboratory experiment, we let subjects …
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This paper reports the results from a large-scale laboratory experiment investigating the impact of tournament incentives and wage gifts on creativity. We find that tournaments substantially increase creative output, with no evidence for crowding out of intrinsic motivation. By comparison, wage...
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A worker's utility may increase with his income, but envy can make his utility decline with his employer's income. This article uses a principal-agent model to study profit-maximizing contracts when a worker envies his employer. Envy tightens the worker's participation constraint and so calls...
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This paper studies wage structure characteristics and their incentive effects within one firm. Based on personnel records and an employee survey, we provide evidence that wages are attached to jobs and that promotions play a dominant role as a wage determinant. We furthermore show that a...
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