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We use two waves of nationally representative India Human Development Survey to examine factors driving the cooking fuel choice in urban and rural India, separately. We utilize a random effects multinomial logit model that controls for unobserved household heterogeneity. We find that a...
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This article develops a Bayesian approach for estimating panel quantile regression with binary outcomes in the presence of correlated random effects. We construct a working likelihood using an asymmetric Laplace (AL) error distribution and combine it with suitable prior distributions to obtain...
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Traditional panel stochastic frontier studies on privatization of Chinese State-owned firms face a major challenge, namely, the endogeneity problem. The endogeneity problem is present because decision-making process of privatization in China is very likely influenced by some unobserved...
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Compared to time-series or cross-section analyses, panel data allow us to control for individual specific characteristics - possibly unobservable - which may be correlated with certain explanatory variables in the specification of an economic relationship. Not controlling for unobservables leads...
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The paper introduces for the most frequently used three-dimensional panel data sets several random effects model specifications. It derives appropriate estimation methods for the balanced and unbalanced cases. An application is also presented where the bilateral trade of 20 EU countries is...
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The estimation of limited dependent variable panel data models usually involves objective functions in which integrals appear without a closed form solution: this is the case of the panel data Tobit model with random effects. Recently, simulation methods have shown to be useful in the inference...
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Before recent technological developments in telecom the use of available fixed line was limited to voice telecommunication only. At present the high frequencies on the subscriber line were used for high speed internet access. This Internet access technology is generally referred to as broadband....
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In general, countries with more equal income distribution generally enjoy better health. Earlier empirical studies on the relationship between income distribution and health at country level present strong evidence that income inequality on an average impedes the improvement of population...
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Private wealth holdings are likely to become an increasingly important determinant in the job exit decision of elderly workers. Net wealth may correlate with worker's characteristics that also determine the exit out of a job. It is therefore important to include a rich set of observed...
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We discuss fixed and random effects models in the context of educational research and set out the assumptions behind the two approaches. To illustrate the issues, we analyse the determinants of pupil achievement in primary school, using data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and...
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