Showing 1 - 10 of 34
future of work, including other trends that are impacting this future. The review suggests that digital technology will not … deterministically shape the future of work but that options and choices exist over what and how technology is implemented and with what …
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This article investigates gender differences in tasks performed at the workplace over a period of 25 years, from 1991 and 2016 in France. We exploit data from the Enquête Complémentaire Emploi: Conditions de travail, the oldest survey at the worker level among European countries on a wide...
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This study describes how the digitisation of the workplace may contribute to the emergence of data-driven management, and how this, in turn, may affect work organisation and aspects of job quality, such as occupational health and safety. It summarises and defines the technologies that enable...
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This paper provides a conceptual framework for the emerging phenomenon of algorithmic man-agement and outlines some of the implications for work, from work organisation to working condi-tions (job quality). The paper defines algorithmic management as the use of computer-programmed procedures for...
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the technology. The analysis also shows the importance of communication and new ways of organising teamwork as a crucial …
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-monetary working conditions in Europe over the period 1995-2005 combining information from the World Robotics Survey and the European …
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Digital labour platforms are defined as digital networks that coordinate labour services in an algorithmic way. The rise of digital labour platforms can reshape work organisation and tasks distribution across the workforce, posing new policy challenges. A crucial problem for the design of an...
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This paper investigates changes in the task content, methods and tools of European jobs from 1995 to 2015. Drawing on the taxonomy of tasks proposed by Bisello and Fernández-Macías (2016), this work tries to better understand whether changes in the average intensity of tasks performance are...
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Job polarization was first identified in the US in the 1990s, when employment growth concentrated in the highest and lowest wages jobs with much less growth in middle wage jobs. Research since then has identified continuing polarizing pressures in the US and Europe, but also evidence of job...
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