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Amenities that vary across cities are typically valued using either a hedonic model, in which amenities are capitalized into wages and housing prices, or a discrete model of household location choice. In this paper, we use the 2000 Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) to value climate amenities...
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Traditional cross-sectional estimates of hedonic price functions can recover marginal willingness to pay for characteristics, but face endogeneity problems for estimating non-marginal welfare measures. I show that when panel data on household demands are available, one can construct a...
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The model that we develop is used to analyze properties of the demand functions for quantity and quality. It is then applied to study the demand for pediatric care -- physicians' services rendered to children.2The theoretical model of quantity -- quality substitution provides a frame-work for...
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Wage-hedonics is used to recover the value of a statistical life by exploiting the fact that workers choosing riskier occupations will be compensated with a higher wage. However, Roy (1951) suggests that observed wage distributions will be distorted if individuals select into jobs according to...
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The goal of this paper is to address the problem of 'product innovations' (i.e. new goods. increased variety, and quality change) in the construction of price indices and, by extension, in the measurement of economic performance. The premise is that a great deal of technical progress takes the...
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This article estimates the mortality cost of smoking based on the first labor market estimates of the value of statistical life by smoking status. Using these values in conjunction with the increase in the mortality risk over the life cycle due to smoking, the value of statistical life by age...
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Two proposals are made that may facilitate the creation of derivative market instruments, such as futures contracts, cash-settled based on economic indices. The first proposal concerns index number construction: indices based on infrequent measurements of nonstandardized items may control for...
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This paper provides a justification for hedonic price indices and details the properties of hedonic price functions. The analysis is done in a market setting in which a finite number of goods, each defined by its characteristics, interact. We note that proper hedonic indices can be constructed...
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This paper examines whether a tradeoff exists between the level of pension benefits and wages for comparably skilled workers. The 1983 survey of Consumer Finances is used to match detailed information on pension plans to detailed personal characteristics of a random sample of the population. The...
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We propose a new strategy for a pervasive problem in the hedonics literature--recovering hedonic prices in the presence of time-varying correlated unobservables. Our approach relies on an assumption about homebuyer rationality, under which prior sales prices can be used to control for...
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