Showing 1 - 10 of 47
elasticities derived from microeconometric models can also be explained by modeling assumptions with respect to wages. Specifically … very sensitive to the treatment of wages. In particular, the often-made but highly restrictive independence assumption … between preferences and wages is key. To overcome this restriction, we propose a flexible estimation strategy that nests …
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In this paper, I estimate a dynamic structural model of labor supply, retirement, and informal care supply, incorporating labor market frictions and the German tax and benefit system. I find that informal elderly care has adverse and persistent effects on labor market outcomes and therefore...
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We study three budget-neutral reforms of the German tax and transfer system designed to improve work incentives for people with low incomes: a feasible flat tax reform that provides a basic income which is equal to the current level of the means tested unemployment benefit, and two alternative...
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Using data from the 1997 and 2002 waves of the German Socio-Economic Panel and from official statistics, I study whether natives are less supportive of state help for the unemployed in regions where the share of foreigners among the unemployed is high. Unlike previous studies, I use...
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or paid wages are subject to an unanticipated temporary change, we can derive an analytical expression for the aggregate … extensive adjustment of wages, and (iii) the aggregate employment rate. We use individual-specific data from the German Socio …-employed workers' reservation wages. We use this variable in conjunction with a twostep conditional density estimator to retrieve the …
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discussion of the unintended consequences of rising wages in the child care work sector. To address this gap in the debate, the … with child care work wages, indicating price elasticity. …
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In Germany, there is an ongoing debate about how to increase the efficiency of the social security system and especially its financing. The aim of this paper is to simulate different financing systems for Germany. The introduction of a Liberal British or the Southern Greek financing system...
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We analyze empirically the optimal design of social insurance and assistance programs when families obtain insurance by making labor supply choices for both spouses. For this purpose, we specify a structural life-cycle model of the labor supply and savings decisions of singles and married...
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I propose a method to decompose changes in income inequality into the contributions of policy changes, wage rate changes, and population changes while considering labor supply reactions. Using data from the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), I apply this method to decompose the increase in income...
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Retired parents might invest time into their adult children by providing childcare. Such intergenerational time transfers can have important implications for family decisions. This paper estimates the effects of parental retirement on adult children's fertility. We use representative panel data...
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