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rate to negatively depend on environmental quality in an R&D-driven endogenous growth model with local pollution …
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Within the past ten years, environmental economics has witnessed the development of a theory that has stirred up considerable controversy. The environmental Kuznets hypothesis predicts negative environmental impact first increases with rising income and then decreases. A wealth of indicators...
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Production often causes pollution as a by-product. Once environmental degradation becomes too severe, regulation is …-improvements. The model gives an explanation for the inverted U-shaped pollution-income relation found in empirical research for many …
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pollution becomes negative in the long run. This, of course, is a highly implausible prediction. The paper at hand examines the … problem of negative pollution by, first, critically discussing two approaches adopted in existing EKC models and, second, by … theoretical problem of negative pollution, but also does well regarding the empirical plausibility of the abatement technology. …
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We study the optimal control of a pollutant that accumulates with a delay.We find that optimal paths are, in general, non-monotonic and oscillatory, but monotonic if the objective function is additively separable. Hence, using additively separable objective functions as an approximation to a...
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We determine optimal climate policy using a dynamic climate model that accounts for the damages to capital and human health from burning fossil fuels. Our theoretical macroeconomic approach incorporates a separate health sector into an integrated climate-economy framework and provides...
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endowment, pollution intensity, climate vulnerability, and clean factor productivity. Our analysis reveals the possibility of an … economy converging into a "carbon trap", characterized by a sustained equilibrium marked by elevated pollution and diminished …
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We analyse long-term consumption paths in a dynamic two-sector economy with overlapping generations. Each young generation saves for the retirement age, both with private savings and pension funds. The productivity of each sector can be raised by sector-specific research while the essential use...
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We analyze an economy in which sectors are heterogeneous with respect to the intensity of natural resource use. Long-term dynamics are driven by resource prices, sectoral composition, and directed technical change. We study the balanced growth path and determine stability conditions. Technical...
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