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In this short note, we derive a new approximation for the pricing of Vanillas in the case of a Black-Scholes model with affine dividends. This new approximation is more accurate than the Bos-al formula [Bos], commonly used by practitioners
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In this paper, we focus on short-time asymptotics for American options in the case of local and stochastic volatility models. As a by-product, we obtain an efficient algorithm for calibrating Dupire's local volatility to American options, starting from an arbitrage-free parametrization of a...
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The uncertain volatility model has long ago attracted the attention of practitioners as it provides worst-case pricing scenario for the sell-side. The valuation of a financial derivative based on this model requires solving a fully non-linear PDE. One can rely on finite difference schemes only...
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We consider the classical problem of building an arbitrage-free implied volatility surface from bid-ask quotes. We design a fast numerical procedure, for which we prove the convergence, based on the Sinkhorn algorithm that has been recently used to solve efficiently (martingale) optimal...
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In this paper, we introduce a new GARCH model with an infinitely divisible distributed innovation, referred to as the rapidly decreasing tempered stable (RDTS) GARCH model. This model allows the description of some stylized empirical facts observed for stock and index returns, such as volatility...
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In this paper we will introduce a hybrid option pricing model that combines the classical tempered stable model and regime switching by a hidden Markov chain. This model allows the description of some stylized phenomena about asset return distributions that are well documented in financial...
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In this paper, we combine modern portfolio theory and option pricing theory so that a trader who takes a position in a European option contract and the underlying assets can construct an optimal portfolio such that at the moment of the contract's maturity the contract is perfectly hedged. We...
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Following previous work on calibration of multi-factor local stochastic volatility models to market smiles, we show how to calibrate exactly any such models. Our approach, based on McKean's particle method, extends to hybrid models, for which we provide a Malliavin representation of the...
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We derive an algorithm in the spirit of Rogers and Davis & Burstein that leads to upper bounds for stochastic control problems. Our bounds complement lower biased estimates recently obtained in Guyon & Henry-Labordère. We evaluate our estimates in numerical examples motivated from mathematical...
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In this paper, we complement generic interest rate models with a local volatility. We derive an exact Dupire-like formula for the local volatility. An efficient calibration scheme is then achieved with the particle method
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