Showing 1 - 10 of 13
Dieser Artikel diente als Textgrundlage für eine „Keynote Address“, die ich am 26. Juni 2020 als Video-Vortrag zum IAMO Forum 2020 beigesteuert habe. Sie geht der Frage nach, inwiefern moralische Gefühle und helfen bzw. daran hindern, vernünftige Strategien zu finden, mit denen sich die...
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Millions of people in the developing world lack access to curative drugs. Thomas Pogge identifies the cause for this problem in a lack of redistribution across borders. By contrast, this article shows that institutional shortcomings within developing countries are the main issue. The different...
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Markets are ubiquitous in our daily life and, despite many imperfections, they are a great source of human welfare. Nevertheless, there is a heated recent debate on whether markets erode social responsibility and moral behavior. In fact, competitive pressure on markets may create strong...
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Markets are ubiquitous in our daily life and, despite many imperfections, they are a great source of human welfare. Nevertheless, there is a heated recent debate on whether markets erode social responsibility and moral behavior. In fact, competitive pressure on markets may create strong...
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There is a heated debate on whether markets erode social responsibility and moral behavior. However, it is a challenging task to identify and measure moral behavior in markets. Based on a theoretical model, we examine in an experiment the relation between trading volume, prices and moral...
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The public discourse on the acceptability of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is not only controversial, but also infused with highly emotional and moralizing rhetoric. Although the assessment of risks and benefits of GMOs must be a scientific exercise, many debates on this issue seem to...
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Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen (ZGO) sind für die Bewältigung zahlreicher globaler Herausforderungen der modernen Gesellschaft unverzichtbar. Allerdings fällt es ZGO bisweilen schwer, jene ambitionierten Standards selbst einzuhalten, die sie völlig zu Recht von anderen Akteuren...
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In den letzten Jahren entwickelte sich eine lebhafte Debatte, wie NGOs ineffizientes Verhalten sowie Reputationsprobleme besser in den Griff bekommen können. Ein großer Teil dieser Debatte konzentrierte sich auf Accountability-Standards. Allerdings weisen diese Maßnahmen eine ernstzunehmende...
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Markets are ubiquitous in our daily life and, despite many imperfections, they are a great source of human welfare. Nevertheless, there is a heated recent debate on whether markets erode social responsibility and moral behavior. In fact, competitive pressure on markets may create strong...
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