Showing 1 - 10 of 35
Social contributive insurance systems which are based on the repartition principle between generations are strongly influenced by the demographic evolutions.
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Human development and social cohesion are not only important component, but essential premises and powerful drivers of sustainable development also.
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Enabling educated individuals to work abroad entails a brain drain and results in educated unemployment at home. Because the prospect of migration raises the expected returns to higher education it also facilitates a "brain gain": a eveloping economy ends up with a higher fraction of educated...
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This study estimates the expected long-term budgetary benefits to investing into Roma education in Hungary. By budgetary benefits we mean the direct financial benefits to the national budget. The main idea is that investing extra public money into Roma education would pay off even in fiscal...
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This study estimates the expected long-term budgetary benefits to investing into Roma education in Hungary. By budgetary benefits we mean the direct financial benefits to the national budget. The main idea is that investing extra public money into Roma education would pay off even in fiscal...
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Romanian Abstract: Problematica relaţiilor internaţionale este una de actualitate şi de interes pentru istoriografia europeană, având la bază cunoaşterea legăturilor dintre state, fie ele politice, economice, culturale, militare, religioase etc. Aria cercetării noastre s-a extins, pe de...
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Deşi se utilizează frecvent, competitivitatea naţională este încă o noţiune ambiguă, în sensul că nu există nici o definiţie unanim acceptată în literatura de specialitate, ci numeroase abordări. În acest articol vom încerca să contribuim la clarificarea conceptului de...
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The study overviews the main mechanisms of public employment. It aims to understand the factors that influence what types and volume of resources settlements receive in order to increase their local employment opportunities. In order to do that we reviewed the database for the years 2011-2014...
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This paper examines characteristics for participation in active labor market policies assisting the unemployed in turning into entrepreneurs- among those who were registered unemployed for at least one day during 2014-15 in Hungary. Data shows that it is rather the disadvantaged unemployed who...
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