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commerce. An E-commerce site can be used by the firms and consumers having an Internet connection from all over the world. E …
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with regard to Internet use and E-commerce by different analysts, pointing out that the computer power of processing data …
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E-commerce highlights the vast area of electronic interchange connected to the commercial activities that involve both the relations between enterprises as well as the relations between enterprises and consumers, referring especially to information interchange, product transactions, equipments,...
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In this moment, the commerce faces a total transformation. Step by step a translation is made from the classical form of the commercial activities to the electronic variant, that is much more simple and even more efficient. Different forms of the e-commerce are being encouraged by the explosion...
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electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. It can involve electronic funds transfer, supply chain … Internet, extranet, e-mail, e-books, database, and mobil phones. All these are usually used in tourism activity. E-commerce was …
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E-commerce is one of the most growing phenomena of our days. The paper reveals the ethics argument in e-commerce along with its elements that must be found in web sites. Ethics becomes more and more important in commercial transactions next to the increasing role of electronic commerce.
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E-commerce is a relatively new business field with a high potential of growth, thanks primarily to advantages provided to companies and consumers. At the same time, e-commerce raises technical and economic issues and problems to be solved, which are a concern for businesses, states and...
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telecommunication technology and Internet. It is a digital economy that recognizes the fundamental role of information. That is why …
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