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This paper measures the causal effect of time out of the labor force on subsequent employment of Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) applicants and distinguishes it from the discouragement effect of receiving disability benefits. Using a unique Social Security Administration workload...
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The high incidence of temporary agency employment among participants in government employment programs has catalyzed debate about whether these jobs help the poor transition into stable employment and out of poverty. We provide direct evidence on this question through analysis of a Michigan...
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A disproportionate share of low-skilled U.S. workers is employed by temporary help firms. These firms offer rapid entry into paid employment, but temporary help jobs are typically brief and it is unknown whether they foster longer-term employment. We draw upon an unusual, large-scale policy...
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The high incidence of temporary agency employment among participants in government employment programs has catalyzed debate about whether these jobs help the poor transition into stable employment and out of poverty. We provide direct evidence on this question through analysis of a Michigan...
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High- and low-wage occupations are expanding rapidly relative to middle-wage occupations in both the U.S. and the E.U. We study the reallocation of workers from middle-skill occupations towards the tails of the occupational skill distribution by analyzing changes in age structure within and...
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After a decade in which wages and employment fell precipitously in low-skill occupations and expanded in high … accounted for by a single proximate cause - rising employment and wages in low-education, in-person service occupations. We … automation. We find that in labor markets that were initially specialized in routine-intensive occupations, employment and wages …
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We study the impact of AI on labor markets, using establishment level data on vacancies with detailed occupational information comprising the near-universe of online vacancies in the US from 2010 onwards. We classify establishments as "AI exposed" when their workers engage in tasks that are...
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After a decade in which wages and employment fell precipitously in low-skill occupations and expanded in high … accounted for by a single proximate cause − rising employment and wages in low-education, in-person service occupations. We … automation. We find that in labor markets that were initially specialized in routine-intensive occupations, employment and wages …
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