Showing 1 - 10 of 79
Increasing work incentives for people with low incomes is a common topic in the policy debate across European countries. The "Mini-Job" reform in Germany -- introduced on April 1, 2003 -- can be seen in line with these policies, exempting labour income below a certain threshold from taxes and...
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Increasing work incentives for people with low incomes is a common topic in the policy debate across European countries. The "Mini-Job" reform in Germany - introduced on April 1, 2003 - can be seen in line with these policies, exempting labour income below a certain threshold from taxes and...
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Women are still in the clear minority among the financial sector's top decision-making bodies. According to DIW Berlin's Women Executives Barometer, at the end of 2016, 21 percent of the supervisory and administrative board members of the 100 largest banks were female. The number has stagnated...
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Nach wie vor sind Frauen in Spitzengremien des Finanzsektors deutlich in der Minderheit. Dem Managerinnen-Barometer des DIW Berlin zufolge waren die Aufsichts- und Verwaltungsräte der 100 größten Banken Ende des Jahres 2016 zu gut 21 Prozent mit Frauen besetzt. Damit stagnierte der Anteil...
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Die Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie ist seit einiger Zeit eines der wichtigsten familienpolitischen Ziele. Zum einen, weil es Eltern, insbesondere Müttern, erleichtert werden soll, erwerbstätig zu sein. Zum anderen, weil die Hoffnung besteht, dass die Geburtenrate steigt, wenn berufliche...
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Der Frauenanteil in den Vorständen der 100 größten Banken in Deutschland stagnierte 2018 bei knapp neun Prozent. In den 60 größten Versicherungen nahm er um gut einen Prozentpunkt auf fast zehn Prozent zu. Während sich damit in den Vorständen die schon in den vergangenen Jahren schwache...
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The proportion of women on executive boards of the 100 largest banks stagnated at almost nine percent in 2018. In the 60 largest insurance companies, the proportion increased by a good percentage point to almost ten percent. While growth on executive boards has been weakening in past years, it...
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In this paper we develop a structural model of female employment and fertility which accounts for intertemporal feedback effects between the two outcomes. We identify the effect of financial incentives on the employment and fertility decision by exploiting variation in the tax and transfer...
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In this paper we develop a structural model of female employment and fertility which accounts for intertemporal feedback effects between the two outcomes. We identify the effect of financial incentives on the employment and fertility decision by exploiting variation in the tax and transfer...
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Germany is known to have one of the lowest fertility rates among Western European countries and also relatively low employment rates of mothers with young children. Although these trends have been observed during the last decades, the German public has only recently begun discussing these...
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