Showing 1 - 10 of 20
In this paper we study the macroeconomic effects of large exchange rate appreciations. Using a sample of 128 countries from 1960-2008, we identify large nominal and real appreciations shocks and study their macroeconomic effects in a dummy-augmented panel autoregressive model. Our results show...
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In this paper we study the macroeconomic effects of large exchange rate appreciations. Using a sample of 128 countries from 1960-2008, we identify large nominal and real appreciations shocks and study their macroeconomic effects in a dummy-augmented panel autoregressive model. Our results show...
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In this paper we examine whether absorptive capacity can constitute sufficient justification for rejecting the proposal of a large aid increase to support the ‘big push’. We argue that the probability of a poverty trap exists for many countries, in particular the least developed countries...
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In this paper we study the macroeconomic aftermath of large exchange rate appreciations. Using a sample of 128 countries over the period 1960–2008, we identify 25 episodes of large nominal and real appreciations shocks. We use narrative identification of exogenous appreciation episodes and...
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The paper estimates i) the degree of currency undervaluation and its relationship with per capita income (convergence), as informed by the Harrod-Balassa-Samuelson (HBS) framework. ii) The role of the real effective exchange rate, both its level and its stability over time, for underpinning...
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Die globalen Ungleichgewichte in den Leistungsbilanzen werden häufig als Bedrohung für die weltwirtschaftliche Stabilität angesehen. Ausgehend davon wird argumentiert, dass die Überschussländer wie etwa China deshalb ihre Währung aufwerten sollen, um diese stabilitätsgefährdenden...
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We argue in this paper that cancelling the debt of the poorest countries was a good thing, but that it should not imply that the debt instrument should be foregone. Debt and debt cancellations are indeed two complementary instruments which, if properly managed, perform better than either loans...
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In this paper we study the macroeconomic effects of large exchange rate appreciations. Using a sample of 128 countries from 1960-2008, we identify large nominal and real appreciations shocks and study their macroeconomic effects in a dummy-augmented panel autoregressive model. Our results show...
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In this paper we study the macroeconomic effects of large exchange rate appreciations. Using a sample of 128 countries from 1960-2008, we identify large nominal and real appreciations shocks and study their macroeconomic effects in a dummy-augmented panel autoregressive model. Our results show...
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This paper looks at the ?grants versus loans?? controversy. It questions the claim sometimes made that development institutions should refrain from making loans and should instead distribute ODA as outright grants only. It discusses various reasons why developing countries do not have full...
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