Showing 1 - 10 of 14
comprehensive analysis of the structure of the euro area interest rate swap (IRS) market after the start of the mandatory clearing …
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comprehensive analysis of the structure of the euro area interest rate swap (IRS) market after the start of the mandatory clearing …
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The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on inflation-adjusted bonds, swaps, and derivatives. The methodology for valuation and risk management of these securities is an application of the foreign currency extension of a standard HJM term structure model. The two “currencies” in...
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The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on inflation-adjusted bonds, swaps, and derivatives. The methodology for valuation and risk management of these securities is an application of the foreign currency extension of a standard HJM term structure model. The two “currencies” in...
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This paper applies regression analysis to investigate the fundamental factors of the variation of CDS index tranches. The sample comprises daily data on the tranche premia of the European iTraxx and North American CDX index from the start of the market in summer 2004 to January 2008. I estimate...
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This paper presents a new statistical arbitrage test which has lower Type I error and selects arbitrage opportunities with lower downside risk than existing alternatives. The test is applied to credit derivatives markets using strategies combining Credit Default Swaps and Asset Swaps. Using four...
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Over the past few years the CDS market's role has evolved from mostly providing default protection towards credit risk trading. The first-ever credit event in a developed country's sovereign CDS has further highlighted the importance of the CDS market from a macro-prudential perspective....
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This paper applies regression analysis to investigate the fundamental factors of the variation of CDS index tranches. The sample comprises daily data on the tranche premia of the European iTraxx and North American CDX index from the start of the market in summer 2004 to January 2008. I estimate...
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letzten Jahren den Handel mit Kreditrisiko signifikant vereinfacht. Ein standardisiertes Kontrakt-Design, niedrige … mit hohem Kreditrisiko deutlich geringer. Die Distanz sinkt auch bei längeren Haltedauern. Wir beobachten weiter eine …
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