Showing 1 - 10 of 62
We analysed dyads strategies in one-shot public goods game. By means of a laboratory experiment, using a variant of the …
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Previous research indicates that risky and uncertain marginal returns from the public good significantly lower contributions. This paper presents experimental results illustrating that the effects of risk and uncertainty depend on the employed parameterization. Specifically, if the value of the...
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We experimentally investigate the impact of visibility of contributors and cost of information on public good contributions. First, we vary recognizing all, highest or lowest contributors. Second, we investigate the effect of imposing a cost on viewing contributors. Recognizing all contributors...
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question, we design a public goods experiment in which participants can pay a fee to view information about identities and …
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interaction effects. We conduct a laboratory experiment that avoids the identification problem present in the field and allows us …
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We present an economic experiment on network formation, in which subjects can decide to form links to one another …. Direct links are costly but being connected is valuable. The gametheoretic basis for our experiment is the model of Bala and …
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potentially divisible resource. We design an experiment to compare individuals' decisions across three resource allocation …
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first stage but not in the second stage. Our experiment provides evidence that winning is a component in a subject’s utility …
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We study experimentally the effects of cost structure and prize allocation rules on the performance of rent-seeking contests. Most previous studies use a lottery prize rule and linear cost, and find both overdissipation relative to Nash equilibrium prediction and significant variation in...
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This paper implements an experimental test of a game-theoretic model of equilibrium profiling. Attackers choose a demographic “type” from which to recruit, and defenders choose which demographic types to search. Some types are more reliable than others in the sense of having a higher...
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