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our variant of the model using time series data. We estimate the market version both for the US and Germany for the time …
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This paper studies effects of fiscal policy in an endogenous growth model with human capital and heterogenous agents. Two types of households are considered. One household acquires human capital or skills through education while the other household remains unskilled. Sustained growth is the...
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This paper presents an endogenous growth model with human capital, where human capital formation is the result of public education. The government finances expenditures in the schooling sector by the tax revenue and by public deficit. In addition, the government sets the primary surplus such...
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In this paper we analyze effects of public debt on the long-run allocation of resources in a basic endogenous growth model with infinitely lived households. The government levies an income tax and issues government bonds to finance unproductive public spending. We demonstrate that in the case of...
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With this paper our objective is to study the effects of different deficit policies in an endogenous growth model with publicly funded human capital accumulation and public debt, where we allow for heterogeneous households. Two types of households are considered. One household acquires human...
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In this paper we analyze an endogeneous growth model with human capital that results from public educational spending. We allow for public debt and analyze three different debt policies: a balanced government budget, a slight deficit policy where debt grows but less than GDP, and a strong...
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This paper studies growth and welfare effects of fiscal policy in an endogenous growth model with productive public capital where we consider both distortionary and non-distortionary taxation in the model simultaneously. Analyzing the model it is assumed that the economy originally is on the...
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We present an endogenous growth model with externalities of capital and elastic labour supply where we allow for public debt and public spending that is welfare enhancing. We analyze effects of different debt policies on stability and how these policies affect long-run growth and welfare. The...
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In a recent paper Minea and Villieu (2012) present an endogenous growth model with productive public spending and government debt and assert that their model can generate multiple balanced growth paths. We show that their result is non-generic and point out where the error in their analysis is....
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We analyze effects of public debt on economic growth in a basic endogenous growth model with persistent unemployment due to wages rigidities. We show that there exists either a unique balanced growth path or there are two balanced growth paths depending on structural parameters and on the...
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