Showing 1 - 10 of 42
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German municipalities are expected to suffer from (often significant) population losses in the upcoming decades. We assess these local governments' vulnerability to the fiscal consequences of this demographic decline through two means (using a sample of 1021 municipalities in the state of...
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German municipalities are expected to suffer from (often significant) population losses in the upcoming decades. We assess these local governments’ vulnerability to the fiscal consequences of this demographic decline through two means (using a sample of 1021 municipalities in the state of...
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Das Steuersenkungsgesetz stellt das größte Reformvorhaben auf dem Gebiet der direkten Steuern in Deutschland seit der Einführung des körperschaftsteuerlichen Anrechnungssystems zum 1.1.1977 dar. Vorgesehen sind eine Änderung des Steuersystems, eine Verringerung der Steuersätze sowie eine...
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Since the negotiation of the Maastricht Treaty in December 1991 expectations on the new European currency could possibly influence European interest rates. The focus of this paper is both on the theoretical and empirical analysis of the link between European Monetary Union (EMU) and German...
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In this paper we present a computer-based model (so-called European Tax Analyzer) for the international computation and comparison of company tax burdens. The methodology follows the forward-looking concepts for the measurement of effective average tax rates (EATR) on the basis of a model-firm....
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In this paper the impact of the corporate tax systems of the 15 EU-member states on the investment and the financing decision of an US multinational corporation is analysed. The calculation of the resulting effective marginal tax rates (EMTR) closely follow the model of King and Fullerton. There...
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