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This paper assesses the dynamics of treatment effects arising from variation in the duration of training. We use German administrative data that have the extraordinary feature that the amount of treatment varies continuously from 10 days to 395 days (i.e. 13 months).This feature allows us to...
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For years, anecdotal evidence has suggested increased fertility rates resulting from catastrophic events in an area. In this paper, we measure this fertility effect using storm advisory data and fertility data for the Atlantic and Gulf Coast counties of the United States. We find that...
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. We suggest this model has relevance to the current situation in China where services remain unliberalized and tariff … analysis provides an intellectual counter argument to those presently advocating a free Renminbi float for China. …
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(China, India, Russia, Brazil) on the other. …
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. We calibrate such a model to China's trade with the rest of the world and explore two country tariff games using 2005 …
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China's growth strategy as set out in the 11th 5-year plan in 2005 called for upgrading of product quality, the … with this policy, China has been involved in recent years with the development of a Chinese standard in third generation (3 … experience raises issues for China's future development strategy based on product and process upgrading in manufacturing. We …
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low wage rapidly growing countries in the BRIC group (Brazil, Russia, India, China) and the groups of countries as a sub …
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This paper identifies health determinants in urban China applying Grossman model. Using wave of China Health and …, and married couple has better health in urban China. …
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This paper investigates the evolution of earnings inequality in urban China from 1989 to 2006. After decomposing the …
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This paper is one of the first comprehensive attempts to compare earnings in urban China and India over the recent … levels in China and significantly accentuates the reversal of the wage gap in favour of this country for the first half of …
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