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China had been singled out by Western politicians and media for dragging its feet on international climate negotiations … paper provides some reflections on China's stance and reactions at Copenhagen. While China's reactions are generally well … rooted because of realities at home, some reactions could have been handled more effectively for a better image of China. The …
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The regulated price mechanism in China’s power industry has attracted much criticism because of its incapability to …
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consumers of energy. While the overall trend of China’s energy pricing reform since 1984 has been moving away from the prices …, petroleum products, natural gas, electricity and renewable power in China, and provides some analysis of these energy price … reforms, in order to have the market to play a decisive role in allocating resources and help China’s transition to a low …
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The Chinese leadership in November 2013 determined to embark upon a new wave of comprehensive reforms in China. This is … clearly reflected by the key decision of the Third Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of Communist Party of China to assign … is crucial because it sends clear signals to both producers and consumers of energy. While the overall trend of China …
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This paper aims to examine the impacts of oil-price shocks on China's price levels. To that end, we develop a partial …-through mechanism during oil-price shocks. Using the models of both China and the U.S., we separate the impact of price control from … those of other factors leading to China's price stickiness under oil-price shocks. The results show a sharp contrast between …
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China is concerned about the security of its sea-lanes for imports and desires to diversify its oil supplies from the … Middle East in order to sustain economic growth. These concerns have sparked China's interest in trying to ensure oil … supplies from as many sources as possible and in reducing its overwhelming reliance on seaborne imports of oil, which, in China …
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China had been singled out by Western politicians and media for dragging its feet on international climate negotiations … paper provides some reflections on China’s stance and reactions at Copenhagen. While China’s reactions are generally well … rooted because of realities at home, some reactions could have been handled more effectively for a better image of China. The …
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China is concerned about the security of its sea-lanes for imports and desires to diversify its oil supplies from the … Middle East in order to sustain economic growth. These concerns have sparked China’s interest in trying to ensure oil … supplies from as many sources as possible and in reducing its overwhelming reliance on seaborne imports of oil, which, in China …
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economies. However, there has been a lack of empirical study of this kind on China and other developing countries. This paper … attempts to fill this gap by answering how and to what extent oil-price shocks impact China’s economy, emphasizing on the price … differentiated price control policies for materials and intermediates on the one hand and final products on the other hand in China …
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This paper aims to examine the impacts of oil-price shocks on China’s price levels. To that end, we develop a partial …-through mechanism during oil-price shocks. Using the models of both China and the U.S., we separate the impact of price control from … those of other factors leading to China’s price stickiness under oil-price shocks. The results show a sharp contrast between …
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