Showing 1 - 10 of 14
The evidence on the implications of transport for regionaleconomic and political integration is mixed. This is not surprisingsince transport is one element of a complex web of factors thatdetermine the extent to which spatial areas become integrated.There are also good reasons to expect the...
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The paper addresses the issue of intermodality in European transport policy. Its aim is to derive critical factors for an effective and efficient multimodal freight transport network in Europe. The results of a survey among European transport experts are presented, while a new meta-analytic...
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The majority of cities in our world is not only connected through conventional physical infrastructure, but increasingly through modern digital infrastructure. This paper aims to test whether digital connectivity leads to other linkage patterns among world cities than traditional infrastructure....
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The present paper investigates, for the case of Germany, the relevance of the volume and distribution of commuting flows, as well as of the commuting network’s connectivity and topology. We aim to assess how network topology and its changes over time affect the geographic commuting system and...
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Simulating the structure and evolution of complex networks is an area that has recently received considerable attention. Most of this research has grown out of the physical sciences, but there is growing interest in their application to the social sciences, especially regional science and...
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Migration has become a prominent research theme in geography and regional science and it has been approached from various methodological angles. Nonetheless, a common missing element in most migration studies is the lack of awareness of the overall network topology, which characterizes migration...
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The analysis of the structure and evolution of complex networks has recently received considerable attention. Although research on networks originated in mathematical studies dating back to the nineteenth century (or earlier), and developed further in the mid-twentieth century with contributions...
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The analysis of complex networks has recently received considerable attention. The work by Albert and Barabási presented a research challenge to network analysis, that is, growth of the network. The present paper offers a network analysis of the spatial commuting network in Germany. First, we...
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Many networks such as the Internet have been found to possess scale-free and small-world network properties reflected by so-called power law distributions. Scale-free properties evolve in large complex networks through self-organizing processes and more specifically, preferential attachment. New...
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