Showing 1 - 10 of 14
This paper applies multidimensional affluence measures to a new dataset on income and wealth in 15 Eurozone countries. We start our analysis by examining the income and wealth distributions separately for each country, and extend it to a multidimensional setting by considering the joint...
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In this paper, we define a new class of richness measures. In contrast to the often used headcount, these new measures are sensitive to changes in rich person's income and therefore allow for a more sophisticated analysis of richness. We demonstrate the application of these new measures to...
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In this paper, we define a new class of richness measures. In contrast to the often used headcount, these new measures are sensitive to changes in rich persons' income and therefore allow for a more sophisticated analysis of richness. We demonstrate the application of these new measures to...
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This paper suggests multidimensional affluence measures for the top of the distribution. In contrast to commonly used top income shares, they allow the analysis of the extent, intensity and breadth of affluence in several dimensions within a common framework. We illustrate this by analyzing the...
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Previous estimates of unfair inequality of opportunity (IOp) are only lower bounds because of the unobservability of the full set of endowed circumstances beyond the sphere of individual responsibility. In this paper, we suggest a new estimator based on a fixed effects panel model which...
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Previous estimates of unfair inequality of opportunity (IOp) are only lower bounds because of the unobservability of the full set of endowed circumstances beyond the sphere of individual responsibility. In this paper, we suggest a new estimator based on a fixed effects panel model which...
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südeuropäischen Ländern bedeutend geringer als in Mittel- und Nordeuropa. Deutschland liegt bei der Einkommensstabilisierung in beiden … Kreditbeschränkungen in wohlhabenden Ländern wie Deutschland keine so große Rolle spielen. …
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In der Öffentlichkeit wird seit einiger Zeit verstärkt eine grundlegende Reform des Sozialsystems in Deutschland … zahlreiche Kritikpunkte am bestehenden System der Grundsicherung in Deutschland. Ein wesentlicher Grund hierfür ist die … bestehenden Sozialsystems in Deutschland, sowie um teilweise experimentelle Studien zu Grundeinkommenskonzepten in anderen Ländern …
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The case of German reunification has been subject to extensive research on earnings inequality and labor market integration. however, little is known about the development of equality of opportunity (EOp) in East and West Germany after 1990. Using German micro data, we empirically analyze how...
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This paper suggests multidimensional affluence measures for the top of the distribution. In contrast to commonly used top income shares, they allow the analysis of the extent, intensity and breadth of affluence in several dimensions within a common framework. We illustrate this by analyzing the...
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