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The paper compares the pay-as-you-go system and a capital funded system of old age insurance. The capital funded system has a higher rate of return. Pension income can be obtained at lower costs for the individual. This implies efficiency gains in terms of higher savings and reduced distortion...
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Das Umlage- und das Kapitaldeckungsverfahren werden verglichen. Das Kapitaldeckungsverfahren hat eine größere Rendite für den einzelnen und bringt gesamtwirtschaftliche Effizienzgewinne mit sich: Es wird mehr Kapital gebildet, und Verzerrungen am Arbeitsmarkt werden beseitigt. Bei einem...
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Locational competition is geographic competition, competition between places, between cities, between regions, and between countries. These spatial units compete with each other for the mobile production factors in factor markets, i.e., for mobile capital, for mobile technical know-how, and for...
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werden einige Schaubilder und Tabellen dargestellt, die wichtige Aspekte der Entwicklung der Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland …
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Germany's capital market relies on bank-intermediated products and not so much on capital market processes. Two of the … pillars in Germany's three-pillar banking system, the savings banks and the cooperative banks, have special statutes and are … through their holdings and their votes in the supervisory board in Germany's two-tier system of corporate governance. In this …
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The member states of the European Union have given up sovereignty in quite a number of policy areas and subjected themselves to joint decisionmaking at the European level. Policy instruments are no longer available nationally in many policy areas, including monetary policy, trade policy, the...
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This paper analyzes Germany's fiscal policy position. Half of GDP passes through the hands of government, a high debt … GDP is 4. This trend will intensify in an aging society. All these factors weaken the prospects for reform that Germany …
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