Showing 1 - 10 of 468
Offen ausgetragene Lagerdebatten zwischen Ökonomen sind in Deutschland eher selten. Was hingegen häufiger in der …
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Replication studies are considered a hallmark of good scientific practice. Yet they are treated among researchers as an ideal to be professed but not practiced. To provide incentives and favorable boundary conditions for replication practice, the main stakeholders need to be aware of what drives...
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We investigate how often replication studies are published in empirical economics and what types of journal articles are eventually replicated. We find that from 1974 to 2014 0.10% of publications in the Top 50 economics journals were replications. We take into account the results of replication...
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Replication studies are considered a hallmark of good scientific practice. Yet they are treated among researchers as an ideal to be professed but not practiced. To provide incentives and favorable boundary conditions for replication practice, the main stakeholders need to be aware of what drives...
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Replication studies are considered a hallmark of good scientific practice. Yet they are treated among researchers as an ideal to be professed but not practiced. To provide incentives and favorable boundary conditions for replication practice, the main stakeholders need to be aware of what drives...
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To the best of our knowledge, most of the few methodological studies which analyze the impact of faked interviews on survey results are based on 'artificial fakes' generated by project students in a 'laboratory environment'. In contrast, panel data provide a unique opportunity to identify data...
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"Soziale Dienste" wie die institutionalisierte Kinderbetreuung werden in Deutschland vorwiegend vom Staat selbst bzw …
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This paper studies the current crisis in the German pension system and discusses the various reform proposals.
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Der im Ausland geborene Teil der in Deutschland lebenden Bevölkerung besteht aus Ausländern und Aussiedlern, die aus … osteuropäischen Ländern nach Deutschland emigriert sind. Während die erste Gruppe mit Problemen konfrontiert ist, die aus dem typisch … deutschen Pass. Etwa die Hälfte der Immigranten, die seit 1984 nach Deutschland kamen, sind der Gruppe der Aussiedler …
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