Showing 1 - 10 of 24
Trust is a concept that has attracted significant attention in economic theory and research within the last two decades: it has been applied in a number of contexts and has been investigated both as an explanatory and as a dependent variable. In this paper, we explore the questions of what...
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This study examines the phenomenon of nonresponse in the first wave of a refresher sample (subsample H) of the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP). Our first step is to link additional (commercial) microgeographic data on the immediate neighborhoods of the households visited by...
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Self-reported measures of health are generally treated as weak measures of respondents' objective health status. On the other hand, most surveys use self-reported health to measure health status and to determine the effects of a range of other socio-economic characteristics of the local...
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In der sozial- und arbeitsmarktpolitischen Reformdebatte in Deutschland nimmt die Forderung nach einer Erhöhung der … Besserung der wirtschaftlichen Lage in Deutschland. Im Rahmen seiner Langzeitstudie Sozio-oekonomisches Panel (SOEP) hat das DIW …
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Die "Technikakzeptanz" der Bevölkerung ist seit den 70er Jahren immer wieder Gegenstand von Umfragen. Dabei geht es vor allem um kontrovers diskutierte gesellschaftliche Konsequenzen der Kernenergie, der Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken und der Gentechnik. Heute ist es neben der...
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This study presents results of the validation of an ultra-short survey measure of patience included in the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). Survey responses predict intertemporal choice behavior in incentive-compatible decisions in a representative sample of the German adult population.
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This article describes how the German Socio-Economic Panel longitudinal study project developed over the years 1983 to 1989, a period when practical experience was being gathered with the first six waves and when the further funding for this large-scale project was a constant issue. During this...
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Trust is a concept that has attracted - significant attention in economic theory and research within the last two decades: it has been applied in a number of contexts and has been investigated both as an explanatory and as a dependent variable. In this paper, we explore the questions of what...
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The results of a resurvey of non-respondents to the SOEP study carried out in 2006 show that this special effort of reinterviewing was relatively ineffective in two respects. First, the rate of successful conversions of passive to active respondents was low (less than 20 percent). Second, the...
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Trust is a concept that has attracted significant attention in economic theory and research within the last two decades: it has been applied in a number of contexts and has been investigated both as an explanatory and as a dependent variable. In this paper, we explore the questions of what...
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