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This paper presents new evidence on the distribution of risk attitudes in the population, using a novel set of survey questions and a representative sample of roughly 22,000 individuals living in Germany. Using a question that asks about willingness to take risks on an 11-point scale, we find...
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Trust is a concept that has attracted significant attention in economic theory and research within the last two decades: it has been applied in a number of contexts and has been investigated both as an explanatory and as a dependent variable. In this paper, we explore the questions of what...
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Using a unique dataset we study both the actual and self-perceived relationship between subjective well-being and income comparisons against a wide range of potential comparison groups, enabling us to investigate a broader range of questions than in previous studies. In questions inserted into a...
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Deutschland. Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Untersuchung stehen dabei ältere Personen im Alter 50+. Die Erfahrungen, die in …
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This study examines the phenomenon of nonresponse in the first wave of a refresher sample (subsample H) of the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP). Our first step is to link additional (commercial) microgeographic data on the immediate neighborhoods of the households visited by...
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Social comparisons are an essential source of information about the self. Research in social psychology has shown individual variation in the tendency toward comparison with other people's opinions and abilities, raising the question of whether social comparisons are driven by psychological...
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Self-reported measures of health are generally treated as weak measures of respondents' objective health status. On the other hand, most surveys use self-reported health to measure health status and to determine the effects of a range of other socio-economic characteristics of the local...
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Die "Technikakzeptanz" der Bevölkerung ist seit den 70er Jahren immer wieder Gegenstand von Umfragen. Dabei geht es vor allem um kontrovers diskutierte gesellschaftliche Konsequenzen der Kernenergie, der Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken und der Gentechnik. Heute ist es neben der...
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Entstehung von Auswanderungsgedanken spielen. Selbständige erwägen besonders häufig, Deutschland für immer zu verlassen …
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Seit einiger Zeit mehren sich die Stimmen, die für Deutschland eine "soziale Schieflage" konstatieren und im Namen …
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