Showing 91 - 100 of 639
Germany, this paper presents the first comprehensive evidence on the relationship between exports and profitability. It …. -- Exports ; profitability ; micro data ; Germany …
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Using quantile regressions and a rich cross section data set for German manufacturing plants, this paper reports that the impact of works councils on labor productivity varies along the conditional distribution of value added per employee. It emerges that the positive and statistically...
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18 Studies, die sich auf Daten aus 20 hochentwickelten, sich entwickelnden und weniger entwickelten Ländern stützen, zeigen, dass die Durchschnittslöhne in exportierenden Firmen höher liegen als in nichtexportierenden Firmen aus gleichen Branche und Region. Die Existenz dieser Lohnzuschläge...
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Export, Auslandsinvestition, Wissensproduktion, Deutschland - Exports, foreign direct investment, knowledge production … function, Germany …Using a knowledge production framework and a rich set of plant level data this study demonstrates that in Germany firms …
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This paper presents the first empirical test with German establishment level data of a hypothesis derived by Helpman, Melitz and Yeaple in a model that explains the decision of heterogeneous firms to serve foreign markets either trough exports or foreign direct investment: only the more...
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Gewerkschaft / Deutschland, Gewerkschaftsmitglied, Globalisierung - German unions, union membership, globalization …
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This paper presents the first nonparametric test whether German works councils go hand in hand with higher labor productivity or not. It distinguishes between establishments that are covered by collective bargaining or not. Results from a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for first order stochastic...
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Using OLS and quantile regression methods and rich cross-section data sets for western and eastern Germany, this paper …
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Neben bereits seit längerer Zeit laufenden Kooperationsprojekten zwischen Statistischen Ämtern und externen Wissenschaftlern sind in jüngster Zeit bei den großen amtlichen Datenproduzenten Forschungsdatenzentren (FDZ) entstanden, die Wissenschaftlern den Zugriff auf Mikrodaten aus...
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