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In cognitive entrepreneurship research one main question is: Do entrepreneurs thinkdifferently than others in various ways? Especially in the area of risk perception cognition isthought of as information processing. In later streams of cognitive science it has developedfrom a state where...
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Die kognitive Psychologie beschäftigt sich u.a. mit der Frage nach Speicherung inund Abruf von Wissensinhalten aus dem Gedächtnis. Zur Beschreibung der Phänomene werdenkonnektionistische, propositionale und konzeptuelle Ansätze gemacht, die dann empirisch verifiziertwerden. Die vorliegende...
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Negotiations frequently end in conflict after one party rejects a final offer.In a large-scale internet experiment, we investigate whether a 24-hour coolingoffperiod leads to fewer rejections in ultimatum bargaining. We conduct astandard cash treatment and a lottery treatment, where subjects...
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Sie nehmen ihr Umfeld wahr, werten Informationen aus und reagieren darauf: Die Leistung visionärer Logistiksysteme steigt mit der künstlichen Kognitivität....
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This article examines the role of family and the state in relation to theliving standards of the elderly in East Asia. It tries to test whetherfamilial arrangement according to Confucian ethics, which are still takenseriously in East Asia, secures the minimum standards of living for theelderly....
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In this study we pose two broad questions: what are the characteristics ofthe currently divorced; and who divorces? Divorce is used as an inclusiveterm to include separations from marriages and from cohabiting unions.In the first part data from the Family Resources Survey is used to identifythe...
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This paper uses microdata from the United States, Britain, and Japan toexamine the effects of family leave coverage on women's employment afterchildbirth. Our three sample countries provide a range of family leavepolicy regimes. The United States had no national family leave legislationprior to...
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East Enders tells the story of a hundred families who live in two of the lowestincome areas in the East End of London, Hackney and Newham. The East Endhas the biggest concentration of poverty in the capital. It lies at the heart of theThames Gateway, London’s major growth area.Nearly half the...
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Since the mid-1990s the term and phenomenon of “social exclusion” has attractedmuch academic attention in the UK, and since 1997 has been an explicit focus ofgovernment policy. In a new book, CASE members examine the debate around themeaning of the term, and the extent and nature of problems...
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Helen Bowman reports on interviews with 100 families in two low-income cityneighbourhoods, one in Sheffield and one in Leeds. Kirkside East is a large,mainly white, council estate in Leeds. The Valley is a mixed tenure, mixedincome, ethnically diverse area, stretching out of Sheffield city...
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