Showing 1 - 10 of 17
to consider changes in its business model. We consider four alternative business models, two pure models (subscription …-sponsored rival often entails business model reconfigurations, a phenomenon that we dub "competing through business models." We also … than a mixed,business model because of cannibalization and endogenous vertical differentiation concerns. We discuss how our …
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for global Academic, Business, Community and Development leaders to understand the basics of Quantum State Economies and …
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In Tennessee, we're proving unequivocally that green jobs are the future of America's economy.
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presented his new theory on business operations. As defined by Porter, a cluster is 'a group of interrelated enterprises located …
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This book examines America's economy over the past several decades and the sources of our recent success and comes to surprising conclusions about what we can learn from it.
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In this study, made with contribution from Bálint Herczeg, we sum up the experience of SMEs regarding the global economic crisis as well as the survey results related to this topic. The paper also introduces solutions SMEs have chosen to survive.
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The main objectives of this paper are: to highlight the important role of the entrepreneurship and of the entrepreneurs and also to identify the main characteristics of this field of study. The base of this research was the management literature that presents a variety of definitions,...
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Business environment refers to the conditions under which European companies operate, involving a number of forces that …
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„Trust and Business” is a long-term program of HETFA Research Institute, the project’s first publication being …
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This study introduces the general situation of Hungarian SMEs, describing their main problems, their regulatory environment and the impacts of the developmental support appropriated for them between 2004 and 2008.
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