Showing 1 - 10 of 104
The diversity of social interaction within economic communities affects productivity and growth, and is itself shaped by economic conditions. These reciprocal effects raise the possibility of multiple equilibria, of setting a socially polarized economy stagnating in poverty on a new path of...
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Parental education largely determines a child's opportunity to learn. However, a higher level of trust and a higher frequency of social interactions between adults with significantly different educational attainments shrinks the knowledge-gaps among the adults, making their human capital more...
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Benabou (2002) strengthens the so-called Efficient Redistribution Hypothesis (ERH) by demonstrating how income redistribution can promote growth and welfare by mitigating economic waste from resource misallocation that is caused by credit market frictions to production, which is subject to...
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In this paper we study the impact of diversity on regional growth by extending the existing literature in such that we differentiate between industry diversity and human capital diversity. In order to measure human capital diversity we construct a regional measure based on individual...
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We examine spatial convergence in biological well-being in the Habsburg Monarchy circa 1890-1910 on the basis of … population in 1890 the faster its height grew thereafter. Hence, there was convergence in physical stature between the peripheral … Viennese trend was about 0.9 cm per decade in favor of the former. But the convergence among the core districts themselves was …
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A vibrant literature has emerged in recent years to explore the influences of human evolution and the genetic composition of populations on the comparative economic performance of societies, highlighting the roles played by the Neolithic Revolution and the prehistoric "out of Africa" migration...
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Financial instability has increased for many economies in the face of greater capital mobility. Eliminating capital flows, especially portfolio investment flows, may reduce volatility, but it could also result in domestic capital constraints. To overcome this dilemma, policymakers may consider...
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This research advances the hypothesis and establishes empirically that interpersonal population diversity, rather than fractionalization or polarization across ethnic groups, has been pivotal to the emergence, prevalence, recurrence, and severity of intrasocietal conflicts. Exploiting an...
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The importance of evolutionary forces for comparative economic performance across societies has been the focus of a vibrant literature, highlighting the roles played by the Neolithic Revolution and the prehistoric "out of Africa" migration of anatomically modern humans in generating worldwide...
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