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This paper provides closed-form expansions for the transition density and likelihood function of arbitrary multivariate diffusions. The expansions are based on a Hermite series, whose coefficients are calculated explicitly by exploiting the special structure afforded by the diffusion hypothesis....
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Much recent work has documented evidence for predictability of asset returns. We show how such predictability can affect the portfolio choices of long-lived investors who value wealth not for its own sake but for the consumption their wealth can support. We develop an approximate solution method...
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It is well known that high-frequency asset returns are fat-tailed relative to the Gaussian distribution tails are typically reduced but not eliminated when returns are standardized by volatilities estimated from popular models such as GARCH. We consider two major dollar exchange rates, and we...
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The key to estimating the impact of a program is constructing the counterfactual outcome representing what would have happened in its absence. This problem becomes more complicated when agents self-select into the program rather than being exogenously assigned to it. This paper uses data from a...
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Under stationarity, the heterogeneous stoahastic processes are the non-ergodic ones. We show that if a distributed lag is of finite order, then its coefficients are unconditional means of the underlying random coefficients. This result is applied to linear transformations of the process. The...
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We investigate whether the latent class multinomial logit choice model with segmentspecific linear utility functions implies effects that are similar to those of parametric homogeneous nonlinear models given that this latent class model performs at least as well. The two nonlinear models have...
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The identification of the out of control variable, or variables, after a multivariate control chart signals, is an appealing subject for many researchers in the last years. In this paper we propose a new method for approaching this problem based on principal components analysis. Theoretical...
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Woodall and Montgomery in a discussion paper, state that multivariate process control is one of the most rapidly developing sections of statistical process control. Nowadays, in industry, there are many situations in which the simultaneous monitoring or control, of two or more related quality -...
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Under stationarity, the heterogeneous stoahastic processes are the non-ergodic ones. We show that if a distributed lag is of finite order, then its coefficients are unconditional means of the underlying random coefficients. This result is applied to linear transformations of the process. The...
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