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the corresponding Cournot equilibrium. From a methodological viewpoint we make extensive use of the basic results from the …
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This paper compares Bertrand and Cournot equilibria in a horizontallydifferentiated duopoly market with non … maybe higher under Cournot competition for moderate R&D productivities... …
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' order of moves to show that i) Cournot competition is not the subgame perfect Nash equilibrium of the extended game, ii) the …
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This paper examines the optimal privatization policy in vertically related markets in which an upstream public firm competes with a foreign private rival in supplying a produced input to the domestic and foreign downstream firms in the domestic market. It shows that if the upstream public firm's...
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We show the effects of Bertrand and Cournot competition on R&D investmentand social welfare in a duopoly with R …&D competition where success in R&D isprobabilistic. We show that R&D investments are higher under Bertrand (Cournot)competition when … Cournot competition can generate highersocial welfare in absence of knowledge spillover and this happens if R&D is drastic …
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We show the welfare effects of entry in presence of technology licensingunder Cournot competition. If the entrant is …
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Based on the background of the banking industry in China, this paper establishes Cournot, Bertrand and Stackelberg … are sequential, i.e one bank will lead, the other will follow. If the state-owned bank's profit in Cournot is larger than …
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We investigate the possibility of using public firms to regulate polluting emissions in a Cournot oligopoly where … differential game and investigate (i) the Cournot-Nash game among profit-seeking firms; (ii) the Markov Perfect Nash equilibrium …
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second period (Cournot outcome versus collusion), and sales in both periods with the clearance price above or at the salvage …
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We investigate the relationship between competition and innovation using a dynamic oligopoly model that endogenizes both the long-run innovation rate and market structure. We use the model to examine how various determinants of competition, such as product substitutability, entry costs, and...
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