Showing 1 - 10 of 59
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When monitoring, interpreting and assessing budget policy decisions and developments, the public authorities' financial balance has always played a prominent role. The Maastricht Treaty on European Union and the provisions contained therein on budgetary criteria and reference values gave rise to...
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Für Zwecke des privaten Konsums werden ständig Gegenwarts- und Zukunftsgüter bewertet und gehandelt. Ein zuverlässiges und umfassendes Maß für die allgemeine Kaufkraft des Geldes und deren Veränderung sollte diesem Grundsachverhalt Rechnung tragen. Im Unterschied zu konventionellen...
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For the purposes of private consumption present and future goods are constantly evaluated and traded. A reliable und comprehensive measure of the general purchasing power of money and its changes over time should take due account of this basic fact. In contrast to conventional statistical...
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Despite the "interest rate turnaround" initiated by the ECB in the second half of 2022 as a late reaction to the clearly underestimated persistence of high inflation rates in the euro area, real interest rates are by no means to be regarded as restrictive, neither in the ex post nor in the ex...
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Trotz der von der EZB eingeleiteten "Zinswende" in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2022 als späte Reaktion auf die deutlich unterschätzte Persistenz hoher Inflationsraten im Euroraum sind die Realzinsen sowohl in der ex post Betrachtung als auch in der ex ante Betrachtung keineswegs als restriktiv...
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When monitoring, interpreting and assessing budget policy decisions and developments, the public authorities' financial balance has always played a prominent role. The Maastricht Treaty on European Union and the provisions contained therein on budgetary criteria and reference values gave rise to...
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In dieser Studie wird die kürzlich von Feldstein (1996) aufgeworfene Frage für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland empirisch untersucht: "If the true and fully anticipated rate of inflation has stabilized at a low level, i.e. two per cent, is the gain from reducing inflation to zero worth the...
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This study empirically investigates for the case of Germany the following question, recently posed by Feldstein (1996): "lf the true and fully anticipated rate of inflation has stabilized at a low level, i.e. two per cent, is the gain from reducing inflation to zero worth the sacrifice in output...
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