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How to revitalise the agricultural sector under the commitments of membership in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has emerged as a major policy challenge for the Russian government. According to the current State Programme for the Development of Agriculture, a key support channel is via...
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How to revitalise the agricultural sector under the commitments of membership in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has emerged as a major policy challenge for the Russian government. According to the current State Programme for the Development of Agriculture, a key support channel is via...
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Basic principles of the Translation Costs Economics have been incorporated to the agrarian economy. Agrarian transactions have been put on the centre of economic analysis. Critical dimensions of agricultural transaction have been determined. Structure of costs for alternative governance modes of...
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Differences in farm structures between Russia and western market economies can hardly be made consistent with the … Russia. The cultural beliefs based on this contingency explain the relative absence of entrepreneurial attitude in the rural … ; agroholdings ; Russia. …
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Landwirtschaft der Oblasts Nowosibirsk (Rußland) und Shitomir (Ukraine) zu erhalten, die Ergebnisse miteinander und mit aus anderen … enterprises of the Novosibirsk (Russia) and Shitomir (Ukraine) oblasts and to compare them.. Another aim was to compare the …
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census farm. The results highlight that there is only a small share of commercial production units in Russia and there is …
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In diesem Thünen Report wird die Verteilung des Eigentums von Landwirtschaftsfläche in Deutschland untersucht und beschrieben. Die Datengrundlage sind Flurstücks- und Eigentümerdaten von 2023 aus dem Liegenschaftskataster (ALKIS) einer breit gestreuten Zufallsstichprobe von 387 Gemeinden,...
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Agrarstruktur zunehmend dem Vorbild der großbetrieblichen Landwirtschaft des Ostens weichen muss. …
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