Showing 1 - 10 of 18
Is there a trade-off between people's preference for income equality and income mobility? Testing for the existence of such a trade-off is difficult because mobility is a multifaceted concept. We analyse results from a questionnaire experiment based on simple precise concepts of income...
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A common problem in applied regression analysis is that covariate values may be missing for some observations but imputed values may be available. This situation generates a trade-off between bias and precision: the complete cases are often disarmingly few, but replacing the missing observations...
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The aim of this paper is to test for stochastic monotonicity in intergenerational socio-economic mobility tables. In other words we question whether having a parent from a high socio-economic status is never worse than having one with a lower status. We ?rst test a set of 149 intergenerational...
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The Medicare program, which provides insurance coverage to the elderly in the United States, does not protect them fully against high out-of-pocket costs. For this reason private supplementary insurance, named Medigap, has been available to cover Medicare gaps. This paper studies how Medigap...
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In this note I consider a simple proof of Arrow's Impossibility Theorem (Arrow 1963). I start with the case of three individuals who have preferences on three alternatives. In this special case there are 133=2197 possible combinations of the three individuals' rational preferences. However, by...
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In this paper we investigate the problem of measuring social mobility when the social status of individuals is given by their rank. In order to sensibly represent the rank mobility of subgroups within a given society, we address the problem in terms of partial permutation matrices which include...
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This paper analyses the effects of uncertainty on the demand for medical care. It employs a simplified version of Grossman’s human capital model of the demand for health to examine the consequences for the demand for medical care of increased uncertainty surrounding the effectiveness of...
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A common problem in applied regression analysis is that covariate values may be missing for some observations but imputed values may be available. This situation generates a trade-off between bias and precision: the complete cases are often disarmingly few, but replacing the missing observations...
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We propose a strategy for ranking scientific journals starting from a set of available quantitative indicators that represent imperfect measures of the unobservable "value" of the journals of interest. After discretizing the available indicators, we estimate a latent class model for polytomous...
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A common problem in applied regression analysis is that covariate values may be missing for some observations but imputed values may be available. This situation generates a trade-off between bias and precision: the complete cases are often disarmingly few, but replacing the missing observations...
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