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matched stamps at a specialty stamps auction site in the U.S., Michael Rogers, Inc. (MR), which we know has low quality … has an economically modest, although statistically significant, effect on auction price and probability of sale …
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By reviewing the current Xetra auction price mechanism and analyzing its economic properties, we discover that Xetra … auction price is generically non market-clearing and that only limit prices are considered as Xetra auction price, which … prevents a market-clearing price but not a limit price from being Xetra auction price even when this situation exists in the …
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Closing auction volume is steadily increasing on NYSE and Nasdaq, and now represents over 10% of trading volume. The … NYSE closing auction design is highly advantageous to NYSE floor brokers, who have near-exclusive access to the auction … from 3:50 pm to 4:00 pm. We show that closing auction quality, as measured by the accuracy of closing auction information …
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I study a hybrid over-the-counter (OTC) market structure in which traders have the choice of obtaining an asset from dealers either in a bilateral market or on an electronic trading platform. In a hybrid market (HM), turnover is higher and traders are better off than in a pure bilateral market...
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We examine both displayed and non-displayed orders sent by all investors to the electronic central limit order book of the Italian stock exchange Borsa Italiana (BI). Extant literature relies on trades as basic level of observation for the lack of data. Our unique dataset enables us to...
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This paper uses order-level data of all investors of the Italian stock exchange Borsa Italiana (BI) to resolve three issues that remained unsettled in the extant microstructure literature: the interaction between the exchange and a parallel market for large blocks; the asymmetry between the...
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In this paper, we develop a game theoretic model to study the pricing of e-books and e-readers under two pricing models: the wholesale and the agency models. We analyze pricing strategies for a publisher and a retailer. We identify the complementary relationship between e-books and e-reader as...
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We investigate empirically the impact of electronic market-makers on the reliability and the consistency with which financial markets provide transactional liquidity services. Our analysis is based on proprietary intraday data from U.S. futures markets. We document results of considerable...
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We build statistical models to describe how market participants choose the direction, price, and volume of orders. Our dataset, which spans sixteen weeks for four shares traded in Euronext Amsterdam, contains all messages sent to the exchange and includes algorithm identification and member...
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The objective of this paper is twofold. First, we address the consequences of electronic marketplaces in different industries or industry sectors by reviewing the previous literature. The impact of the transformation from hierarchies to marketplaces on market efficiencies will be discussed....
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