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This essay surveys the body of research that asks how the efficiency of corporate investment is influenced by problems … that the marginal return to investment in firm i is the same as the marginal return to investment in firm j? Second, do … capital budgeting process get within-firm allocations right, so that the marginal return to investment in firm i's division A …
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, potentially spurring productive investment. Low interest rates, however, also induce entrepreneurs to lever up so as to increase … their incentives thereby lowering productivity and discouraging investment. If leverage is unregulated (for example, due to … payouts by stimulating investment in response to adverse shocks only up to a level below the first-best. The optimal monetary …
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In the early stages of the process of industry evolution, firms are financially constrained and might pay different wages if workers have heterogeneous expectations about the prospects for advancement offered by each firm's job ladder. This paper argues that, nevertheless, if the output market...
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We quantify the impact of barriers to international investment, using a novel multi-country dynamic general equilibrium … asset positions. We estimate this gravity equation using recently developed foreign investment data that have been restated … to account for offshore investment and financing vehicles. We show that a parsimonious implementation of the model with …
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This paper proposes a novel channel, i.e., within-firm intangible-tangible investment composition, through which … tangibles and the unit-cost differential, which triggers within-firm investment reallocation. It turns out that allocative … domestic investment, the larger the financial inflows, the more likely the productivity eventually exceeds its initial level …
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capital. We show that the competitive equilibrium is constrained inefficient, leading to too little risky investment. We also …
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We study a two-sector economy with investments in human and physical capital and imperfect labor markets. Human and physical capital are heterogeneous. Workers and firms endogenously select the sector they are active in, and choose the amount of their sector-specific investments in human and...
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