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Transport corridors to stimulate regional integration and trade have become a popular development tool. But when they fail to generate the expected wider economic benefits, they can become wasteful or unequitable investments. This paper evaluates the relative strengths and weaknesses of...
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This paper studies the econometric problems associated with estimation of a stochastic process that is endogenously sampled. Our interest is to infer the law of motion of a discrete-time stochastic process {pt} that is observed only at a subset of times {t1,..., tn} that depend on the outcome of...
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This paper argues that, in studying the monetary policy transmission process, more emphasis should be given to the systematic portion of policy behavior and correspondingly less to random shocks basically because shocks account for a very small fraction of policy-instrument variability. Analysis...
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Econometric analyses of treatment response commonly use instrumental variable (IV) assumptions to identify treatment effects. Yet the credibility of IV assumptions is often a matter of considerable disagreement, with much debate about whether some covariate is or is not a "valid instrument" in...
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The 90s have witnessed a revival in economists' interest and hope of explaining" aggregate and microeconomic investment behavior. New theories, better econometric" procedures, and more detailed panel data sets are behind this movement. Much of the progress" has occurred at the level of...
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This paper attempts to assess whether money can generate persistent economic" fluctuations in dynamic general equilibrium models of the business cycle. We show that a small" nominal friction in the goods market can make the response of output to monetary shocks large" and persistent if it is...
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A central problem in applied empirical work is to separate out the patterns in the data that are due to poor production of the data, such as e.g. non-response and measurement errors, from the patterns attributable to the economic phenomena studied. This paper interprets this inference problem as...
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We explore alternative approaches to numerical solutions of large rational expectations models. We discuss and compare several current alternatives, focussing on the tradeoffs in accuracy, space, and speed. The models range from representative agent models with many goods and capital stocks, to...
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Ultra-high frequency data are complete transactions data which inherently arrive at random times. Marked point processes provide a theoretical framework for analysis of such data sets. The ACD model developed by Engle and Russell (1995) is then applied to IBM transactions data to develop...
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This paper considers models for unobservables in duration models. It demonstrates how cross-section and time-series variation in regressors facilitates identification of single-spell, competing risks and multiple spell duration models. We also demonstrate the limited value of traditional...
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