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Ronald H. Coase zählt zu den bekanntesten und bedeutendsten Ökonomen. In seinen Werken hat er den Grundstein für die Neue Institutionenökonomie gelegt und die Theorie der Verfügungsrechte entwickelt. Die Arbeiten von Coase finden über die Wirtschaftswissenschaften hinaus weitreichende...
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This paper takes up Coase's views on the Chicago school, as found in his published and, especially, unpublished writings, beginning already in the early 1960s, prior to his appointment at Chicago. These commentaries at once demonstrate a measure of kinship and significant differences of...
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Egy olyan esszét adunk most közre, amelyet Coase 1973-ban az Amerikai Közgazda sági Társaság éves közgyűlésén adott elő. A szöveg régi, ám a benne foglaltak saj nálatos módon ma épp úgy aktuálisak, mint annak idején. Valószínűleg ezért is dön tött úgy a szerző, hogy...
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Prize Lecture to the memory of Alfred Nobel, December 9, 1991.
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My father, a methodical man, recorded in his diary that I was born at 3:25 p.m. on December 29th, 1910. The place was a house, containing two flats of which my parents occupied the lower, in a suburb of London, Willesden. My father was a telegraphist in the Post Office. My mother had been...
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