Showing 1 - 10 of 574
This paper presents a profit-oriented shift scheduling approach for inbound contact centers. The focus is on systems in which multiple agent classes with different qualifications serve multiple customer classes with different needs. We assume that customers are impatient, abandon if they have to...
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In this paper, we analyze the performance of call centers of financial service providers with two levels of support and a time-dependent overflow mechanism. Waiting calls from the front-office queue flow over to the back office, if a waiting-time limit is reached and at least one back-office...
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In recent years, the performance-based approach to contracting for medical services has been gaining popu-larity across different healthcare delivery systems, both in the US (under the name of "Pay-for-Performance",or P4P), and abroad ("Payment-by-Results", or PbR, in the UK). One common element...
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Hintergrund: In Deutschland werden die Wartezeiten auf medizinische Dienstleistungen öffentlich und ordnungspolitisch immer wieder problematisiert. Dies gilt vor allem für den niedergelassenen Ärztebereich. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird erstmalig der akutstationäre Sektor analysiert....
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Von Lichtsignalsteuerungen, die vorrangig auf das lokale Verkehrsgeschehen vor Ort reagieren, sind einerseits positive verkehrliche Wirkungen zu erwarten. Eine ausgewogene ÖV-Beschleunigung gehören ebenso dazu wie eine flexible Kolonnenführung in Form dynamischer Grüner Wellen. Andererseits...
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Results from classic queueing theory are shown to be useful for capacity planning of largescale multi-server systems. In the field of mainframe systems on-line monitoring and dynamic workload management care for the fulfilment of short-term performance goals with respect to service class...
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This note develops a modelling approach for wireless networks driven byfluid traffic models. Introducing traffic sets that follow movement ofsubscribers, the wireless network with time-varying rates is transformedinto a stationary network at these traffic sets, which yields that thedistribution...
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Empirical studies showed that many types of network traffic exhibit long-range dependence (LRD),i.e., burstiness on a wide variety of time-scales. Given that traffic streams are indeed endowed withLRD properties, a next question is: what is their impact on network performance? To assess...
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This paper deals with estimating small tail probabilities of thesteady-state waiting time in a GI/GI/1 queue withheavy-tailed (subexponential) service times. The problem ofestimating infinite horizon ruin probabilities in insurancerisk processes with heavy-tailed claims can be transformed into...
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Queueing networks are studied with finite capacity constraints forclusters of stations. First, by an instructive tandemcluster example it is shown how a product-form modification methodfor networks with finite stations can be extended tonetworks with finite clusters. Next, a general result is...
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